Instant collaboration
for remote teams

All-in-one place for your remote team to chat, collaborate and track project progress.

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Your hub for teamwork

Project discussions, important documents, free food announcements: they all live tidily together in Team. With your team and information in one easily searchable place, collaborating online is as easy as collaborating in person.

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Simple task management

Project discussions, important documents, free food announcements: they all live tidily together in Team. With your team and information in one easily searchable place, collaborating online is as easy as collaborating in person.

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Scheduling that actually works

Integrate a Team calendar with your favorite calendar app, be it Google Calendar or iCal.

Each team member works with their favorite calendar, while all the data is synced with the master calendar.

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What people say about Team

Faucibus. At penatibus ad cubilia risus senectus varius sociis suspendisse integer suspendisse turpis senectus pellentesque nibh iaculis.

Amy Goldberg
CEO at Coca Cola

Amet minim mollit non deserunt ullamco est sit aliqua dolor do amet sint. Velit officia consequat duis enim velit mollit.

Devon Lane
CMO at UA Academy

Aliqua id fugiat nostrud irure ex duis ea quis id quis ad et. Sunt qui esse pariatur duis deserunt mollit dolore cillum minim tempor enim. Elit aute irure tempor cupidatat incididunt sint .

Dianne Russell
ENG.  of Nopelian

For athletes, high altitude produces two contradictory effects on performance. For explosive events (sprints up to 400 metres, long jump,

Rocky Cooper
CEO at Fashion House

Faucibus. At penatibus ad cubilia risus senectus varius sociis suspendisse integer suspendisse turpis senectus pellentesque nibh iaculis.

Amy Goldberg
CEO at Coca Cola